
dimarts, 3 de maig del 2011

Chapter IV: Back to the States, Welcome to the jungle!

Four months after my adventures in California and Hawaii, I’m in the States again, I’ve been in Vic with my friends and my family. Leah came for a week with Heather to my place, they were in Spain for 3 months and they came  to Catalonia for their last week of journey, my friends and I showed them the country and had fun with them. And now is time for me to go 6 months to America and have a great journey with Phil and other friends that I’m gonna visit, like Leah and Heather again, Eloi, maybe Faye again in Quebec and Anna in Vancouver.
Phil came to pick me up at the JFK Airport in New York and we started this new adventure on the east coast.

The first day we went to Time Square and the Empire State Building, but there was 0 visibility at the top of the Empire State and we didn’t go to the top. We took the subway for to move thru the jungle, the subway is an interesting place in NY and we met and talk with a lot of diferent people. The people are very nice and they like  to talk with everybody and help people giving directions, they’re very kind people. Phil was a hero last night in the subway, a woman was trapped by the doors and he opened the doors just in time.

Times Square is great, a lot of  lights and crazy shops. We saw the place where the new year arrives in the news in Time Square, and there was a big screen on the street for to follow the British Royal Wedding on friday.

The statue of Liberty and Manhattan view from the crown of the statue.
On Thursday we went to the Liberty Island and we climb to the crown of the Statue of Liberty. We took the Ferry for to get there, and we went to Ellis Island too, the place were all the european families had to register when they came to the states in the 1800s. In the afternoon we went to the Coney Island to eat the world famous hot dog in Nathan’s, but the day doesn’t finish here, we went also to Wallstreet, to ride the Bull and say hello to George Washington, the first president of the United States; and then we went the place where used to be the twin towers in World Trade Center and to the Rockefeller Center, where there is the NBC studios.

On Friday we went to a beisbol game, to see the NY Yankee’s and Derek Jeter, the best beisbol player! It was great! The stadium and the crowd was really amazing. The Yankee’s lost the game but we had a lot of fun. At night we went to have a drink with Eloi, he is a friend from Vic who has been 4 mounths in Florida and now he is working in New York. 

On Saturday, Phil, Eloi and I we went to the Empire State Building ant we were VIP, we get an express tocket from the manager for to go to the 86th floor and the 102th floor, the top. Eloi brought the catalan flag and we conquered Manhattan!!

Sunday was the concert day, Phil and I went to Boston to see 30 seconds to mars in concert, that was awesome, Jared Leto and his band were spectacular and he is a showman, he came thru the crowd to the next seat behind us. We really enjoyed the concert and we had the chance to visit Boston and Harvard University too.

The last two days in New York we went with Eloi to New Jersey to the Red Bull Arena, the stadium were Thierry Henry and Rafa Márquez are playing at, and we watch the Champions League game Barça-Madrid at the bar of the supporters of Barça in NY. There was a lot of catalan people supporting FCB and they had Estrella Damm, but it was really expensive, 7$ plus tips for a Estrella. 

Another AWESOME place that we went to was the place of the AWESOMENESS, yes you're right Roger, is the bar that inspired the tv show 'How I met your mother', and we ate the Marshall's 'Best Hamburguer in New York'. 


It’s time to continue for this Footloose and let’s go to North Carolina and Tennessee to the Phil’s place, where we’re gonna meet Leah and Heather again. See you soon New York!!!

1 comentari:

  1. Ei Dan!!!
    me n'alegro molt de tenir noticies teves, que vagi bé tot plegat. Justament ahir, el "callejeros viajeros" va emetre un episodi de NY!!! i mira, vaig pensar en tu.
    Una abraçada des de les pistes d'atletisme.
